News, voices and proposals from cities around the world

The festival guests — 2024

Founder / De Urbanisten
Rotterdam (Netherlands)

Executive Creative Director / Punkt
Bratislava (Slovakia)

Founder & CEO / Telliskivi Creative City
Tallinn (Estonia)

Founder / ReGen Villages
Palo Alto (USA)

Creative Director / LandsecU+I
London (UK)

Associate Partner / Field Operations
New York (USA)

Author & National Geographic Explorer
Amsterdam (Netherlands)

Partner & Workplace Sector Lead / Hawkins\Brown
London (UK)

Co-Founder / Yes We Camp
Marseille (France)

Founder / Next Generation Village
Zurich ( Swiss)

Data Analyst
Rotterdam (Netherlands)

Co-founding director / IF_DO
London (UK)

Host / The Feminist City Podcast
Bengaluru (India)

Chief Public Realm Officer / NYC
New York (USA)

Urban Practitioner / Prostorož
Ljubljana (Slovenia)
The first city making festival in Italy

For all city lovers

Utopian Hours is the festival of “city making”: the ideas, projects and places that are improving life in the world’s cities. For three days the festival gives voice to the key players in these changes: city makers, activists, architects and innovators share their experiences, stimulating new visions on urban evolution and a reflection on the notion of the city.

New City Making – Manifesto \ Part 2.

Utopian Hours 2024 carries on the collective reflection launched during the last edition of the festival, with the aim of defining a new way of perceiving, designing, living and talking about cities. Hence the ambitious idea of drafting a Manifesto for a New City Making, to which many guests have already contributed in 2023.

The key words for a new conception of “city making” shared with the audience during Utopian Hours last October will be enriched with new suggestions and statements of intent by the guests of the eighth edition. This will complete a round of discussions that has already involved many of the world’s brightest and most knowledgeable city makers.

Guests from past editions recount Utopian Hours

Speakers’ Corner

It was exciting to be part of an event that welcomed a diverse range of voices and viewpoints regarding some of the great challenges facing cities

Leslie Kern / The Feminist City

It was great to be part of Utopian Hours end especially great to see a conference take place in 2020 despite the pandemic! With the huge problems we are facing, it’s even more important that people get together to discuss the future of cities and Utopian Hours is a fantastic platform for this

Marcus Fairs / Dezeen

I enjoyed participating in Utopian Hours — great organization and inspirational speakers! Hopefully some discussions about urban design and innovation can make into reality in Torino, one of Eruoper’s best kept secrets

Carlo Ratti / MIT Senseable City Lab

The fourth Utopian Hours festival felt like one of the most vital cities conferences I’ve ever attended. I was very honoured to participate alongside some of the world’s most thoughtful urban thinkers, and it gives me faith that cities will rebound even stronger than before

Chris Michael / Guardian Cities

For us at LSE Cities, participating at Utopian Hours has been a truly rewarding and meaningful experience. Above all, the facilitation of a workshop with activists from Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion has been a unique opportunity to reach audiences and collaborators beyond our usual partners

Philipp Rode / LSE Cities

Utopian Hours is a gathering of the dreamers, of the critics, of the idealists, of the pragmatists — it never fails to illuminate and inspire. And Turin’s industrial charm stole my heart!

Alizé Carrère / National Geographic Explorer

Take advantage of the Early Bird promo running until July 31st

Your ticket at a discounted rate

New business and networking opportunities

The Full Professional Pass

With the Full Professional Pass formula, you will have the opportunity to experience exclusive Utopian Hours content: closed-door round tables, networking moments and the VIP Lounge in Dorado to connect with Stratosferica’s international network

The Best of Italian City Making

In addition to keynote speeches with international guests, 6 closed-door working tables on the future of urban innovation in our country. 6 tables and 6 themes on which city councillors, officials, technicians and urban practitioners from all over Italy will confront each other

A tu per tu con chi racconta, trasforma e studia le città

The Urbanites’ Fair

A space dedicated to some of the most active international organizations dealing with cities and urban phenomena. 15 organizations share their work: independent collectives, media & magazines, universities, content creators and networks from Europe and around the world
The media coverage of the event

A festival loved by media

Over the years, some of the most influential national and international media have covered the content of Utopian Hours. Each edition welcomes editors and contributors to further open the debate to those who produce reporting on major urban issues every day

The festival venue

La Centrale Lavazza

From 2019 Utopian Hours takes place at La Centrale della Nuvola Lavazza. From 2020, the event is also available via live streaming.

Discover the past editions