
David West

Founding Director / Studio Egret West

David is an Urban Designer and Founding Director of Studio Egret West, with over 20 years’ experience in delivering high quality design through the symbiosis of strategic urban design, place specific memorable architecture, and ecology driven landscape. He oversees all of the Studio’s award-winning projects, bringing a well-considered and innovative approach to numerous complex mixed-use urban sites across the UK and abroad.

David has participated in numerous design review and judging panels, including World Architecture Festival, the Pineapple Awards, the CABE London 2012 Design Review Panel, the Transport for London (TfL) Design Governance Board, and was a Design Advocate of London Mayor Sadiq Khan, tasked with working with City Hall and London boroughs to drive forward his “Good Growth by Design” programme.





David West

Founding Director / Studio Egret West

David is an Urban Designer and Founding Director of Studio Egret West, with over 20 years’ experience in delivering high quality design through the symbiosis of strategic urban design, place specific memorable architecture, and ecology driven landscape. He oversees all of the Studio’s award-winning projects, bringing a well-considered and innovative approach to numerous complex mixed-use urban sites across the UK and abroad.

David has participated in numerous design review and judging panels, including World Architecture Festival, the Pineapple Awards, the CABE London 2012 Design Review Panel, the Transport for London (TfL) Design Governance Board, and was a Design Advocate of London Mayor Sadiq Khan, tasked with working with City Hall and London boroughs to drive forward his “Good Growth by Design” programme.

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From London, the Place Making Avant-garde

"Memorable places that surprise & delight." Their payoff already has it all: Studio Egret West chooses Milan to tell the story of their pioneering approaches to place making, and to unveil an inspiring in-house management model.

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