MVRDV or The City Doctors

MVRDV or The City Doctors

The “city of the future” at MVRDV is a serious matter. For decades, the firm founded by Maas, van Rijs and de Vries -hence the acronym- has continued to innovate in the field of urban design. To imagine new ways of living, working and playing in our cities.

MVRDV is among the protagonists of the renewal of the architectural language inaugurated by Rem Koolhaas in the 1990s. The projects of this studio, which has offices in Rotterdam, Shanghai, Paris, Berlin and New York, are the purest expression of a design philosophy that puts experimentation at the very center.

Colorful, kid-friendly skyscrapers, former cement factories that become cultural hubs, eco-neighborhoods designed as urban oases. But also residential towers that are built entirely out of wood, and abandoned highways that are transformed into green, always-accessible linear parks. Courageous and disruptive projects that address in a very serious way some of the most urgent challenges related to the evolution of the contemporary city.


30 maggio 2024/10





30 min




Maria Stamati

Senior Project Leader / MVRDV
Rotterdam (Netherlands)

Maria Stamati is Senior Project Leader at MVRDV

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Zala Velkavrh

Urban Practitioner / Prostorož
Ljubljana (Slovenia)

For the past ten years, Zala Velkavrh has been on the team of Prostorož, a non-profit urban design studio based in Ljubljana.

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