Visiting Urban Explorer #2

Visiting Urban Explorer #2

Photographer, director, producer. The eye of the second Visiting Urban Explorer for a Turin at its best
The Urban Exploration program (Visiting Urban Explorer) is one of the most appreciated features of Utopian Hours. The format is inspired by the concept of artist residencies and invites three young experts — visiting Turin for the first time — to freely discover the city. Their task is to propose ideas, inputs, and suggestions for imagining new, possible urban solutions.In 2024, the VUEs — as they are called — will all be photography experts.
The three photographers will explore Turin to capture through their images the phenomena, cultures, dynamics, and potential of the city’s lesser-known places. At the end of their research, they will take the stage to present what emerged from their days of exploration.
Daphné Bengoa is the second Visiting Urban Explorer of Utopian Hours 2024. With a multidisciplinary approach spanning photography, film, cultural management, and architectural research — her work includes an interesting study on the projects of French architect Fernand Pouillon in Algeria — Bengoa takes on the challenge of envisioning Turin at its best.This year, the Visiting Urban Explorer format is part of Urban Frame, a project funded by the “Torino, che cultura!” grant and born from the collaboration between Stratosferica and Camera – Italian Centre for Photography.


h 14.30




15 min




Daphné Bengoa

Geneva (Switzerland)

Photographer, director, and cultural manager. From Geneva, a fresh look at Turin and its places

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