
Nicolas Détrie

Co-Founder / Yes We Camp

In 2013, the year of Marseille European Capital of Culture, Nicolas Détrie founded Yes We Camp, an independent organization that is now among the reference points for those involved in temporary use and urban revitalization.

Over the last ten years —through the involvement of local communities and by choosing a low environmental and economic impact approach— Yes We Camp has transformed many abandoned areas around France, giving life to new public spaces that are now vibrant and welcoming.





Nicolas Détrie

Co-Founder / Yes We Camp

In 2013, the year of Marseille European Capital of Culture, Nicolas Détrie founded Yes We Camp, an independent organization that is now among the reference points for those involved in temporary use and urban revitalization.

Over the last ten years —through the involvement of local communities and by choosing a low environmental and economic impact approach— Yes We Camp has transformed many abandoned areas around France, giving life to new public spaces that are now vibrant and welcoming.

Featured in

Sabato 14
14.45 - 15.15

Third Places or Yes We Camp’s Recipe to Meet Urban Needs

The leading talents of “third places” from France. Yes We Camp unveils how to take urban spaces from neglect to liveliness for the community.

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