Everything Is Temporary

Everything Is Temporary

What do we mean when we talk about temporary reuse? A dialogue among city officials in the second panel of Utopian Hours' italian afternoon
What do we mean when we talk about temporary reuse? Dialogue between administrations and independent civic engagement initiatives often gives rise to virtuous processes and small but significant urban transformations.
The second panel on the day dedicated to the best of Italian city making tries to understand what is the relationship between Italian administrations and experimental approaches to city making.
Animated by a love for the city and a visionary spirit, many placemakers around the world design light and low environmental impact solutions to give new meaning to underused or abandoned urban spaces. The impression, however, is that – especially in our country – there is a lack of adequate tools to facilitate bottom-up planning: regulations, resolutions, permits and bureaucratic issues make the creation of public-private partnerships increasingly complex.
Yet in the field of urban planning, the concept of temporariness is central: the city is constantly changing and there is a need, now more than ever, to develop design strategies capable of stemming the consequences of these changes.


h 15.45




45 min

