The Creative Heart of Tallinn

The Creative Heart of Tallinn

In 2007, Telliskivi Loomelinnak's project launched an idea: to transform a former industrial area in Tallinn into a space for creative endeavors, festivals and cultural activities. Jaanus Juss, Founder & Ceo of the project, traces the story of a transformation that has set the standard.
“The most interesting example of commercial clustering I have seen on the spectrum between coordinated malls and fragmented, independent Main Streets.” Andres Sevtsuk, well-known professor of Urban Science & Planning at MIT, also spoke out on Telliskivi. Easy to see why.
This ambitious project has led to the construction of a self-sufficient city: a free and inspiring place whose existence is linked to the emergence and support of new cultural industries, creative businesses and civic engagement initiatives. From festivals to markets, from NGOs to creative studios: today Telliskivi is a vibrant and effervescent space. Yet another demonstration that a good idea is often far more effective than a demolition plan.
Inspiring the vision of Telliskivi Creative City (or Telliskivi Loomelinnak) is the courage of Jaanus Juss. The initiator of this beautiful experience of urban revitalization will be one of the protagonists of Utopian Hours / Milan Edition.

30 maggio 2024/10





30 min




Jaanus Juss

Founder / Telliskivi Creative City
Tallinn (Estonia)

Jaanus Juss is the founder and CEO of Telliskivi Creative City: an abandoned industrial area,nowadays the beating heart of Tallinn's creativity and culture

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