The Importance of Meanwhile Placemaking

The Importance of Meanwhile Placemaking

Improving the quality of urban spaces requires little. In Meanwhile City, 30 international case studies to understand how temporary reuse can transform the face of our cities.
These are simple, low-impact interventions designed to give an identity to those urban places that are still waiting to find one. It is a theme that Utopian Hours has addressed many times, calling in experts and change makers from around the world.
On stage at the first Milan edition of the festival was Petra Marko, who with Milk a Bratislava-based multidisciplinary collective active in the field of urban storytelling-has produced a beautiful book— manifesto in which 30 real cases from around the world tell a new way of doing cities. 30 valuable lessons aimed at administrators, urban practitioners and real estate developers that explain how to activate temporary interventions to revitalize places and spaces for the benefit of the communities that live in them.

30 maggio 2024/10





30 min




Petra Marko

Urban strategist and author of "Meanwhile City"
Bratislava (Slovakia)

Petra Marko is an urbanist, placemaking expert and author of "Meanwhile City" by Milk, a book about the power of temporary interventions to effect long term change in our cities, shape the identity of places and build active communities around them.

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