What Does It Take to Design Great Working Places?

What Does It Take to Design Great Working Places?

International architecture in Turin. Redesigning work and living spaces where contemporary means beautiful, functional, approachable.
To better understand major urban transformations, Utopian Hours involves every year the leading design firms operating worldwide. Hawkins/Brown is one of them.
Nick Gaskell—the Director of the Workplace Sector and a pioneer of the firm’s projects in Italy—shares the philosophy of a company that has long established itself on the global scene. In their projects, technology serves an approach that values the history and identity of places, aiming for designs where community and engagement are genuine tools of urban innovation.
On stage, Gaskell will highlight a topic that has become increasingly crucial with the rise of remote working: what are the essential elements of a good workplace? What roles do offices and workplaces play in our cities? What scenarios are emerging for the near future? Utopian Hours opens the debate.


h 15.00




30 min




Nick Gaskell

Partner & Workplace Sector Lead / Hawkins\Brown
London (UK)

Nick Gaskell leads the Workplace Sector at the prestigious international firm Hawkins\Brown.

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